Angelic Attributes: Superior Knowledge

Do angels know more than us? The Bible doesn’t make this claim outright, but it does give some clues. When Jesus’ disciples asked him about the time of the second coming his answer included the phrase “no one knows, not even the angels of heaven.” (Mt 24:36).  It is like us saying about an exceedingly difficult question “not even Einstein would know the answer.” We can learn two things about angels from this verse.

  1. If any creature is going to know the answer to this question, it would be the angels in heaven. They have a superior mind to mankind.
  2. As much as angels know, they aren’t omniscient. Only God knows everything. Angels know more than man, but not everything.

Here are several reasons why angels may be more knowledgeable than mankind.

  1. Men were created a little lower than the angels. (Ps 8:5) So it stands to reason that angels are better at everything than mankind. They are stronger, faster, more obedient and more knowledgeable.
  2. Angels have been around since the beginning and have been watching humans for a very loooong time. They understand how a fallen creature may react to an event and can predict what is going to happen next. Experience gives them knowledge.
  3. Because angels reside in heaven, they know more; they see what God is doing. The herald angel and the angelic chorus knew who was born in Bethlehem long before the shepherds. In some ways they had a tiny part in planning this grand event.  When Mary Magdalene and others arrived at the garden tomb, the angel said, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified.” The angel did not need to ask any questions, he knew who they were and what they wanted.  
  4. To help us, angels need to know more than we do. This is how they minister to us and protect us which is one of their primary jobs. (Heb 1:14) Angels have been watching you all your life and they probably know you better than you know yourself.

Since angels are obedient to God (another attribute), they will never use their knowledge against us – a very comforting thought in this evil world.

Remember as much as angels know, they are not all knowing. Only God is all knowing.

May angels walk before you.