Felix & the Messiah by B. G. Clyde & Felix, SAA
Join Felix, a Secret Agent Angel, as he carries out exciting and challenging missions on Earth. if you met him, you wouldn’t know that you had encountered an angel. Felix has no wings, no halo and looks just like you or me.
Curiosity and amusement combine as Felix lives the adventures of the Bible. He cooks with Martha, works with Joseph and holds the ladder for Zacchaeus. Being careful not to let his Secret Agent Angel identity slip out, Felix has the special job of introducing his new friends to the Messiah!
Biblical stories come to life through Felix’s enchanting missions and capture the attention of children and adults alike. These delightful tales tickle the imagination while teaching Biblical truth in a refreshing and entertaining way.
B G Clyde
B. G. Clyde is a librarian, but maybe she should have been a journalist. Using her imagination to enter the story, she asks what more can I learn? As she studied the Bible, she asked the same questions. Felix is her imagination in overdrive; he helps answer the why, who, what, where and how of many Bible stories. This book is a result of that imagination.
B. G. has degrees from Furman University (BA) and Emory University (MLS). Her professional experience includes public, school and corporate libraries. She enjoys reading stories to children either as part of her job or just for fun. B. G. and David, her husband of over fifty years, live in Porter, Texas. They have two children and six grandchildren. The Bible is a central part of their lives, but they aren’t afraid to ask questions and wait for the answers.
Felix, SAA
Felix is a Secret Agent Angel (SAA). If you have never heard of a SAA, it’s because they keep their identity secret. They look like people, not angels – no wings, no halos. SAAs spend much of their time on Earth trying to encourage, help or guide people. Felix loves working with people. His curious nature causes him to watch his people on Earth when he should be doing his heavenly duties. When B. G. Clyde started wondering about some Bible stories, he whispered his stories to her. She was delighted with what she learned and wanted to share it. This book is Felix’s stories about Jesus.
Is Felix real? Hebrews tells us that some have met angels without knowing it. Felix may sit next to you in church, at restaurant, or at school. Remember he looks just like an ordinary person. Be alert, you may meet Felix. Or he may be your imagination.